Mad Mad Monkey

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The mad monkey invites you to join the adventure in the jungle. The adventure is not restricted to jumping from one tree to another. You have to help the monkey to find hidden treasures and claim your share at the end. Therefore, place your bets and become the part of the adventure. The swarm understands and obeys your commands and has the statistics of a monkey swarm. Creatures failing a saving throw against the mad monkeys’ distraction attack are deafened for 1 minute as well as nauseated.

  1. Play Mad Mad Monkey online slots and look for 3 logo symbols to win the super stacks free game!
  2. Adventure games is probably the most common theme when it comes to make adventure experience games. Google Play is full of adventure monkey games but it’s still hard to find a good free monkey game for Android to live the real adventure with it, Isn’t it string! But it’s not the case for you today, Welcome to “Mad Monkey”, so be ready for a awesome game experience. Monkey adventure.
  3. MAD MAD MONKEY is the brainchild of two anonymous and still non-contagious musicians who defy category, style and all that is good in the world.

Tomb of Annihilation


A magical mist creeps through the jungles of Chult. Contact
with this thin, blue, odorless mist can infect giants
and humanoids with mad monkey fever. A dispel magic
spell destroys the mist in a 20-foot square starting at a
point chosen by the caster within the spell’s range. An
encounter with this mist typically covers 1d6 such areas
(400-2,400 square feet}.
A giant or humanoid that comes into contact with
the mist must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw or become infected with mad monkey fever. The
infected creature gains a random form of Long-term
madness that manifests 1d6 hours after
infection and lasts for the duration (1d10x 10 hours).
If the madness is allowed to run its full
course, the creature must repeat the saving throw at the
end of the madness. If the second saving throw fails, the
creature suffers another bout of long-term madness (roll
again on the table) that lasts for the normal duration.
The madness symptoms continue until the disease ends.

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Long-Term Madness
d100 Effect (lasts 1d10 × 10 hours)
01–10 The character feels compelled to repeat a specific activity over and over, such as washing hands, touching things, praying, or counting coins.
11–20 The character experiences vivid hallucinations and has disadvantage on Ability Checks.
21–30 The character suffers extreme paranoia. The character has disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma Checks.
31–40 The character regards something (usually the source of madness) with intense revulsion, as if affected by the antipathy effect of the Antipathy/Sympathy spell.
41–45 The character experiences a powerful delusion. Choose a potion. The character imagines that he or she is under its effects.
46–55 The character becomes attached to a “lucky charm,” such as a person or an object, and has disadvantage on Attack rolls, Ability Checks, and saving throws while more than 30 feet from it.
56–65 The character is Blinded (25%) or Deafened (75%).
66–75 The character experiences uncontrollable tremors or tics, which impose disadvantage on Attack rolls, Ability Checks, and saving throws that involve Strength or Dexterity.
76–85 The character suffers from partial amnesia. The character knows who he or she is and retains racial traits and Class Features, but doesn’t recognize other people or remember anything that happened before the madness took effect.
86–90 Whenever the character takes damage, he or she must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be affected as though he or she failed a saving throw against the Confusion spell. The Confusion effect lasts for 1 minute.
91–95 The character loses the ability to speak.
96–100 The character falls Unconscious. No amount of jostling or damage can wake the character.